Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Bird Diva

Our Class Gets A Special Owl Lesson
Last Friday, our class was treated to Mrs. Bridgett's fantastic owl calling and knowledge lesson. we learned even more about the local feathered friends of Vermont. The Barn Owl, The Barred Owl, and the Screech Owl were featured. and we also learned a little about the owl that sometimes visits Vermont, the Snowy Owl. Mrs. Bridgett did some very cool owl calls and talked about why they use their calls and taught us a little more about the owls in winter.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Owl Day

Our Class Gets To See Real Vermont Owls
Kindergarten was treated to a trio of owls from Vermont. The rescue shelter for raptors with injuries came to our school to show off three owls; The Barred Owl, rust colored Eastern Screech and Grey Eastern Screech. Craig our owl guy had a lot of great facts about owls and the students answered many questions posed to them,