Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Chicks Have Arrived!!!!

Our Class Became Proud Parents To Our Little Chicks!
The chicks hatched last night and so far we have 12 of 15 little chicks. It will certainly be a crazy day for the students when they arrive and find out!

Kindergarten Has A Fun Week!

Kindergarten Goes On Two Field Trips And Attends Team USA's Carnival.

Our kindergarten classes had a very exciting week. We were able to go to a movie, have a picnic, play on the new playground at Houghton Park, and get ice cream. Team USA also invited kindergarten to their annual carnival where students played many games and enjoyed a wonderful spring day outside.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Ice Cream With Mrs. Virginia

Our Class Finishes "Dairy In The Classroom", With Guess What? Dairy In The Classroom!!!

What a way to finish an awesome dairy unit with Mrs. Virginia; with homemade ice cream made by the students. The kiddos were able to add cream, sugar, and vanilla to a ice cream ball and then roll it back and forth to each other for about ten minutes. When we opened it up, there it was, vanilla ice cream. One lucky student also became our Holstein cow and we did some review of the lessons we had learned. Ask your children about cows, chickens, and goats to see what interesting facts they have learned.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Field Trip To A Farm

Kindergarten Takes A Trip To Rowell's Dairy Farm

The kindergarten classes took a trip to a dairy farm where we learned so much and saw really cool things. Our class saw a calf born, got to meet many of their 2000 dairy cows, and learned how they gather milk from so many cows. It was a wonderful outing and the students saw how much work it takes to be a farmer.